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Brain Tumor Surgery

Brain Tumor Surgery

Surgery is the first and most common treatment for most patients at Siddarth Neuro Hospital Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center. Brain tumor surgery can provide:

  • The complete removal (resection) of some brain tumors 
  • Partial removal of tumors near sensitive areas of the brain to relieve symptoms and facilitate or increase the effectiveness of other treatments
  • A biopsy — a surgical procedure to remove a small sample of a brain tumor for examination under a microscope — is usually performed during surgery to remove the tumor.  A biopsy enables doctors to confirm the diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment.
  • Better quality of life: Less pressure within the skull can mean reduced symptoms and improved ability to function (e.g., to think, speak or see better)

Why Brain Tumor Surgery Siddarth Neuro Hospital?

The challenge of brain tumor surgery is removing as much of the tumor as possible without severely damaging normal brain tissue, which demands skill and experience, as well as advanced technology and a well-orchestrated team.

Neurosurgeons at Siddarth Neuro Hospital Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center perform surgery on hundreds of patients with brain tumors every year. They use the latest and most advanced imaging and surgical techniques to precisely plan and perform surgery using the least invasive approach possible.

The Comprehensive Brain Tumor team also works closely with neuroanesthesiologists (doctors who specialize in using pain-blocking techniques or medications during neurosurgery) ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate type of anesthesia for the specific brain tumor and optimal anesthesia care during the procedure.



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